How to Promote Inclusivity in the Workplace

Inclusivity isn’t just a HR buzzword. Study after study shows that diversity in the workplace promotes creativity and effective problem solving. Diverse talent is out there, especially in major cities like San Francisco and New York, but in order to attract and retain a diverse team, you have to have inclusive appeal. You have to create a workplace where people from all sorts of different backgrounds can feel comfortable, respected, and happy. Here’s how.


Hacking Office Lunch Catering in San Francisco

It isn’t just the product-market fit a startup achieves that decides whether or not a company becomes a success. It’s the team. To be the best, you have to have the best working for you. The innovators. The builders. The employees who are passionate, dedicated, skilled, and collaborative. How do you get those employees, and retain them? Office lunch catering in San Francisco might just be your secret sauce for success.

Nick N

Simplifying Office Lunch Catering for Large Teams

Office lunches are great for companies. They’re terrible for office managers.

Eating together brings teams closer together, creates opportunity for relationship building, encourages interdepartmental collaboration, promotes healthy habits that lead to healthy teams, and is the most efficient form of team bonding.


5 Benefits of Automated Office Lunch Services

Lunch is a necessary part of the workday, and can be an efficient way to sneak team building in. A Harvard study of firefighters found that eating lunch together was not only great for team building, but also improved work performance significantly. Firefighters’ collaborative behaviors as much as doubled when their team ate lunch together versus when they ate separately.

Jen B